Men's Health: The Slippers Our Fashion Director Is Obsessed With - glerups Canada
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Men's Health: The Slippers Our Fashion Director Is Obsessed With

Posted by Glerups Canada on

Never fear cold floors again with these hygge wonders.

Let me preface this by telling you that I live in a charming and drafty 100-year-old house in the Northeast. Translation: Walking across a tile kitchen or bathroom floor elicits a "Holy sh*t!" moment once November arrives and that not-so-fun feeling lasts well into April. But I’ve found a pair of slippers that has made our shoes-off home a pleasure to walk around: glerups.

Yes, the name might sounds like an uncomfortable medical condition, and some might say they look like comfort shoes for art students, but once you get over these superficial things, you won’t want to take off these cozy wool Danish kicks. I can’t wait to put them on when I get home.

What makes them so irresistible? It’s partly the shape. The thick felt shapes entirely around your foot. I lovingly call my husband's wide hoofs “Hobbit Feet” (pretty cool if you’re into Tolkien, less cool if you’re not) and they easily conform to his feet's shape.

Then there’s the comfortable wool construction. The upper is like a pliable but firm blanket while the inner sole of double felt feels like you are walking on a wooly cloud. You can opt for the cushy calfskin sole if you plan to use them indoors only, but I prefer the natural rubber sole that grips to my wood stairs without slipping. Also, I can run to get the mail without destroying the bottoms. For ease of slipping them on and off, I also recommend the backless option rather than the boot shape.

Scandinavians may be famous for depressing cinema, gorgeous blondes, dramatic fjords, and Aquavit, but these slippers are proof that they are also masters of keeping cozy in winter.

Original Article Posted on Men's Health

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