What Are the Best Wool Slippers to Give? - glerups Canada
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What Are the Best Wool Slippers to Give?

Publié par Glerups Canada le

Let’s start with work we’ve done before. When writer Lauren Levy tested wool slippers last year, she found that glerups’ open-heeled slippers came out on top. To see how they compare to a new batch of contenders, I requested a pair to try around the house. They really do deserve their reputation as the best slippers — they were hands down my absolute favorite. Designed in northern Denmark, they’re comfortable for walking around and the wool feels warm, soft, and not at all itchy. They hug your foot and mold to your shape the more you wear them. The only notable downside to the style we tried out last year was the thin, flexible calfskin sole that wasn’t fit for wet sidewalks or streets. This new version, however, has a rubber sole that offers more grip and protection for heading out.

Original Article by Karen Iorio Adelson Posted on New York Magazine

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